
Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease, also known as dry eye syndrome, is a common condition that occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This can result in dry, itchy, and irritated eyes. In more severe cases, it can lead to blurred vision and even damage to the surface of the eye.

In Asia, the prevalence of the disease is particularly high, with more than 30% of the population suffering from it

Up to 50% of Europeans aged 50 or above suffer from dry eye disease, according to the European Society of Ophthalmology.

Dry eye is more common in women, especially those aged 50 or older

Higher among people who use computers or digital devices frequently

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Prolonged daily screen use increases dry eye disease risk, with 6+ hours of screen use per day associated with higher prevalence.

Longer visual focus reduces blinking, leading to decreased tear production and increased dryness.

Exposure to dry air, wind, smoke, and air conditioning can all contribute to dry eyes.

LASIK and other eye surgeries can lead to temporary or permanent dry eyes.

As people age, their tear production decreases, making them more prone to dry eyes

Certain medications, such as antihistamines, decongestants, and antidepressants, can cause dry eyes as a side effect.


Eye discomfort and pain:

Dry eyes can be uncomfortable, causing burning, stinging, and itching sensations.


Dry eyes can cause blurry vision or sensitivity to light, making it difficult to see clearly.

Reduced productivity:

Dry eye sufferers may experience difficulty with prolonged visual tasks such as reading or computer use.

Anxiety and depression:

Chronic dry eye disease can be frustrating and can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.

Reduced social activities:

Dry eyes can make it difficult to engage in social activities such as sports, driving, and outdoor activities.

Eye discomfort and pain:

Dry eyes can be uncomfortable, causing burning, stinging, and itching sensations.


Dry eyes can cause blurry vision or sensitivity to light, making it difficult to see clearly.

Reduced productivity:

Dry eye sufferers may experience difficulty with prolonged visual tasks such as reading or computer use.

Anxiety and depression:

Chronic dry eye disease can be frustrating and can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.

Reduced social activities:

Dry eyes can make it difficult to engage in social activities such as sports, driving, and outdoor activities.

Who is at risk?

Students and children:

Extended screen use in online learning and video gaming increases the risk of Dry Eye Disease in children and students.

Working Professionals:

Working Professionals who use computers for extended periods are at risk of dry eyes due to screen-related factors, poor posture, and reduced blinking.

Post-operative patients:

Patients who have undergone eye surgeries like LASIK, SMILE, and cataract are at risk of developing dry eye disease due to damage to the tear glands and reduced tear production.

Screen Users:

Extended phone use for more than 6 hours a day can also increase the risk of dry eye disease due to reduced blinking and exposure to blue light and glare from the screen.

Existing Solutions

Dry Eye Questionnaire

Schirmer's Test

Slit Lamp Examination

Interferometry based tests



Limitations of Existing Solutions

Lack of correlation between Signs and Symptoms



Limited scalability

Our Solution




EyeD Mobile App

iDEA AI enabled multispectral Imaging system


EyeD - Preventive Eye Care in the Digital World

EyeD's Best Features

Smart Blink Reminder

20-20-20 Break Reminder

Eye Health Diary

Eye Exercises

Smart Blink Reminder

20-20-20 Break Reminder

Eye Health Diary

Eye Exercises

EyeD can remind users to take breaks and perform eye exercises to reduce eye strain, dryness and prevent dry eye disease

EyeD's diary feature tracks symptoms and identifies triggers, empowering users to take proactive steps to manage their dry eye disease.

EyeD's blink reminder helps maintain a healthy blink rate, reducing the risk of dryness caused by reduced blinking.

EyeD's visual acuity test can monitor changes in vision and detect underlying eye conditions that may contribute to dry eye disease.

Read the reviews

The probability of eye strain and dry eyes is increasing due to the increase in screen time. This app is a great reminder for your eyes to relax n take a break from screen time. Great work from the Development Team.


Excellent app to track blink rate on a daily basis.


Great app to keep your eyes healthy, a must have in today's screen-loving world. Great accuracy and frequent reminders that help you maintain good eye health.


The probability of eye strain and dry eyes is increasing due to the increase in screen time. This app is a great reminder for your eyes to relax n take a break from screen time. Great work from the Development Team.


Excellent app to track blink rate on a daily basis.


Great app to keep your eyes healthy, a must have in today's screen-loving world. Great accuracy and frequent reminders that help you maintain good eye health.


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Dry Eye Questionnaire