Eye Wear Showdown – Which is Right for You?

Contact Lenses or Eyeglasses: What’s Your Best Bet?

We’ve got you covered if you’re deciding between contact lenses vs glasses for your new corrective eyewear. Each has its own set of pros and cons, and the best choice for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. In this blog, we’ll compare contact lenses vs glasses to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of Contact Lenses

  1. Natural Look: Contact lenses are virtually invisible, giving you a more natural look compared to glasses.
  2. Wider Field of View: Contact lenses provide a wider field of view since they don’t obstruct your peripheral vision with frames.
  3. Better for Sports and Activities: Contact lenses are ideal for sports and other physical activities as they don’t move or bounce around like glasses.Contact Lenses vs Glasses
  4. No Fogging: Contact lenses don’t fog up in cold or humid weather, making them more convenient in certain situations.
  5. Prescription Changes: Contact lenses can be easily adjusted for prescription changes, while glasses require new lenses.

Cons of Contact Lenses

  1. Maintenance: Contact lenses require daily cleaning and disinfecting to prevent infections and maintain their quality comfort: Some people may experience discomfort when wearing contact lenses, particularly during extended wear or in dry environments.
  2. Risk of Infection: Improper handling or wearing of contact lenses can increase the risk of eye infections.
  3. Cost: Contact lenses can be more expensive than glasses over time, especially if you opt for disposable lenses.
  4. Fragility: Contact lenses can tear easily or become lost, requiring more frequent replacements.

Pros of Glasses

  1. Easy to Use: Glasses are easy to use and require minimal maintenance.
  2. Variety of Styles: With glasses, you can choose from a variety of styles, colors, and materials to suit your personal taste.Contact Lenses vs Glasses
  3. Eye Protection: Glasses can offer some level of eye protection from dust, debris, and UV rays.
  4. Cost-Effective: Glasses can be more cost-effective than contact lenses, especially if you opt for durable frames and lenses.
  5. Longevity: Proper care can make glasses last for years, whereas contact lenses require frequent replacement.

Cons of Glasses

  1. Obstructed Peripheral Vision: Glasses can obstruct your peripheral vision, especially if you have a strong prescription.
  2. Inconvenient for Sports and Activities: Glasses can be inconvenient for sports and other physical activities as they can move or fall off.
  3. Distortions and Glare: Glasses can create distortions and glare, especially in bright light or when driving at night.
  4. Maintenance: Glasses require daily cleaning and maintenance to prevent scratches and maintain their quality.
  5. Limited to One Prescription: Glasses can’t be easily adjusted for changes in prescription, requiring new lenses.


Both contact lenses and glasses have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best option for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you’re considering contact lenses, it’s important to follow proper handling and cleaning procedures to reduce the risk of infection. If you’re considering glasses, make sure to choose frames and lenses that are comfortable and suit your style. And most importantly, don’t forget to schedule regular eye exams with your optometrist to ensure optimal eye health.

Check out these links to learn more about how to take care of your glasses and contact lenses!